Sunday, August 13, 2023


The sound of a bone breaking was audible even over the loud music that filled the dance studio. Amy Kalen fell over, screaming in agony. One of the girls rushed over and shut down the music as the rest of the Collins College Cheerleading Squad rushed to the side of their fallen comrade. Among them was the lone man in the room, Dane Eckern. Dane, boyfriend of squad captain Michelle Tucker was always at practices. He shooed the other girls back away from Amy as he examined her leg.

"Come on ladies, give me room to look. I'm the one who went to the Red Cross Advanced First Aid course, remember?" They did step back a bit which enabled Dane to take a closer look. What he was wasn't good. There was a tiny shard of bone poking through the skin on Amy's leg and the sight of blood chilled him. "Someone go and call 911 right now. We need an ambulance here right away. She's got a compound fracture of her leg. Amy, don't try to move. Someone else get me something to use as a pillow for her head."

The room became a blur of activity as half of the girls standing around ran towards the one phone in the room while the other half scrambled to find something. Finally Michelle handed her sweatshirt to Dane, who bundled it up and laid Amy's head gently down. "I know it hurts. Just hold on."

Five minutes later the paramedics arrived and in a flash Amy was on a stretcher and bound for the hospital. Her roommate and teammate Becky Sue Johnson rode with her. Michelle tried to get everyone's attention. "We'll cancel today's practice and meet here tomorrow at the same time to figure out what we're going to do." With that, the girls filed out of the room, leaving Michelle and Dane alone. Michelle went over to Dane and began to cry softly on his shoulder. "We've been through so much. Now this? What are we going to do?" "I'm going to take you back to your dorm room and you're going to take a shower and relax. Maybe we'll run to Tank's for dinner." "I don't think so sweetie. I need time to think.

Outside her dorm building, Michelle leaned over and kissed Dane on the cheek. "Thanks for being there sweetie. You're always taking care of my friends and me." "That's why the big guy upstairs invented boyfriends, isn't it?" "I think so and I'm lucky to have the one I got." She kissed him again and went back inside. Dane decided he would go on to Tank's, a sports bar and diner not far from the main entrance to Collins College, the small school they attended.

After a shower, Michelle got busy on the phone, calling the rest of the cheerleading squad to a meeting in her room. Since her roommate was home attending a funeral, she had the place to herself. In pairs or alone, the girls began arriving that night after dinner.

Becky Sue came first and from the look on her face, Michelle knew the news about Amy's medical condition wasn't good. Katie Miller and her roommate Tina Berger were next. They were just ahead of Monica Bracken who was closely followed by Angie White and Vickie Ahern. The seven women gathered in Michelle's room first turned to Becky Sue to hear about Amy's leg.

"It's bad. She's got a compound fracture and it will be weeks and weeks before she's even out of a cast. Then she'll have several months of therapy before she can dance or cheer." Michelle stifled the murmuring that followed Becky Sue's pronouncement by raising her hands for quiet. "We've been through a lot this year and we're not going to let this stop us now. They may have taken our faculty advisor from us. They took away our funding as being sexist, and we didn't let either of those things stop us. We're going to Kentucky one way or another."

"But Michelle, the rules require the squad to be eight girls and even if we could recruit someone else in school to join the squad, how can we teach them the routines in just five weeks?" "Five weeks is enough time if you've got someone smart who can dance. But I do wish we had someone familiar with the routines, and who was strong enough to replace Amy in the toss and catch."

The fate of the squad and their trip to Kentucky turned on what was said next by Vickie. "Michelle, why don't we get Dane to be the other cheerleader?" "Come on Vick, you know we are a girl's squad. You have to have two men to be co-ed and we're already entered as a girl's team." "I know, but I still think Dane's the best choice." "What do you mean?" "I mean dress him up as a girl and let him cheer. If he lost another five or ten pounds, and we did him up right, he'd be perfect. Remember last Halloween?"

Michelle remembered it quite well. After a lot of insisting and cajoling on her part, she'd gotten Dane to dress as a cheerleader and go as her twin to a big Halloween party. He'd looked alm ost too girlish as far as he was concerned.

"I don't know if he'd do it." "Come on, Michelle. He'd do anything for you." "Maybe." "Call him and have him come over, and we'll talk him into it." Michelle didn't like the way this was going, but she dialed Dane's pager and beeped him.

The beeper on Dane's belt went off just as he finished his fourth beer. He looked down and saw Michelle's number. "Guess she needed me tonight after all." He went over to the payphone and dialed.

"Hello?" "Hi babe, you paged." "Can you come over Dane? I wanna talk to you." "Okay sweetie, but I'll have to walk. I've had a few beers. So give me a bit." "Alright, sweetie. See you soon."

Dane was surprised when Michelle opened the door and found that she wasn't alone. "Wow, looks like a meeting of the cheerleading squad, except that Amy's not here." "It is sweetie. Sit down. Some of the girls want to ask you to do something." Vickie sat down next to Dane. "Dane, we have a big favor to ask. We need another cheerleader for the competition and there's no way Amy will recover in time. So we need a stand-in." "I will help you find someone." "No Dane. We want you to be Amy's replacement." "Don't be silly Vickie, I can't be a cheerleader. I'm not a girl." "But you could pass as one with a little work." "No way, Vickie." "Care to make a wager?"

That wasn't playing fair. Everyone who knew Dane knew he loved to gamble. The running gag was that if you wanted to make a wager on whether or not the sun would shine at a certain time of day, Dane was your man. He'd bet on anything. "What do you want to wager, Vick?" "Tomorrow, you let us do you up as a girl. We will go out in a group and no one will notice one of the girls is really a guy. If no one notices, you join the squad and be a cheerleader until the contest is over and we win." "And if someone recognizes me as a guy?" "You have to try to pass yourself off as one of us, but if someone recognizes you, then you can have any one of us enter the Wet T-shirt contest at Tank's." "It's a bet." "Great. See you tomorrow morning, at my room."

That night, Dane ended up sleeping at Michelle's. So it wasn't far the following morning for him to walk with Michelle over to Vickie's room. Vickie and Angie were already up and waiting for Dane's arrival.

"Now first thing you have to do Dane is to strip down and put on these bikini panties so we can wax you." "Wax?" "Either that, or use a depilatory." "Both sound painful." "The depilatory won't hurt though." "Then let's do that." "Okay Dane. Come with me into the bathroom."

Dane followed Vickie into the bathroom where she handed him a pink bottle. "Spread this all over your body, but only below the neck. Then wait 15 minutes before jumping in the shower and rinsing off. When you're done, put on the robe there and come out." He nodded and then she left. After she was gone, Dane shook his head for a moment. "Why did I take this bet? Why am I always taking bets I shouldn't take? Oh well maybe for once I'll win." By the time the fifteen minutes was up, Dane was itching furiously. He was so glad that the time was up and he was able to jump into the shower and rinse off. He watched as his body hair all fell off and washed down the shower drain. Feeling even more naked as he dried off, Dane slipped on the robe and walked back into Vickie's room.

"See, he looks kind of girlish already" Vickie said as Dane walked in. "Sit down at the vanity Dane, so we can work on your hair and face." Dane sat down and Vickie and Angie went to work on him as Michelle read a magazine. They made him turn away from the mirror so he couldn't see what they were doing. It took them almost two hours to be satisfied. Then wouldn't let him look at the results until he was dressed.

"I think we should use a sportsbra so he won't fuss with the straps and pad it with some socks." "Good idea Angie." Angie went to her dresser and dug out a white sportsbra and a pair of panties, along with a pair of tight, short, shorts. "Put these on, Dane." "In front of you three?" "Sure Dane. You're just one of the girls now. Besides, we won't peek. We just don't want you looking at the mirror until we're all done." "Oh alright."

Dane struggled but managed to pull the tight panties and shorts up his legs. "When we win, we'll have to find something better to hide his little "bulge". "Yeah, but those should do for now." "Let me help you with the bra, Dane." Angie walked over and showed Dane how to pull the bra down over his head and arms and into place. Once he had it on, she pulled socks from another dresser drawer and stuffed them into the bra, giving him what looked like a chest. Tights, a sweater and a denim skirt were added and then a pair of loafers. "No heels yet, you'll have to get used to them once you're one of us." "Take a look Dane, and then we'll go out if you're still not convinced that no one will recognize you."

Dane looked in the mirror and as soon as he was his reflection, he knew he'd lost another bet. He looked like a girl. Michelle had been after him for months to get a haircut and he'd just put it off. It had cost him as Vickie and Angie had worked his hair into a very cute, wedge style cut. With the makeup and the clothes, there was no way to tell him apart from the girls on either side of him. "Alright, we don't have to go out. I think you've proven your point." "Good, then you'll be the other cheerleader?" "Yeah, if you can figure out how to solve the other problems involved in passing me off as one of you."

Vickie, Angie and Michelle exchanged a puzzled look before Michelle asked "what other problems?" "For one, you'll have to come up with identification. Driver's license, birth certificate, etc. Didn't you tell me that part of the sign-in at these tournaments is proving you are who you claimed to be on the roster?" Dane was right. Recently the competitions had started demanding identification from competitors to ensure only eligible people were competing. "Then you'll need an official schedule of classes showing a girl is enrolled here at Collins. And in order to do that, you'll have to create a history for this girl." Feeling rather smug that he was safe from having to impersonate a female for more than a few hours, Dane went to a chair and sat down, daintily crossing his legs and smoothing out his skirt.

Angie looked over him and an evil expression appeared on her face. "Is that all? I'll have all of that together in just a few days. What name should we give the new girl in the room? Dana?" "That's too close to reality. How about Susan?" "Yeah, but Susan Dana Michaels, so she has a Dana in her name." "No problem. I will have her ready in no time."

After taking a photo that Angie said she needed, the girls let Dane change back into his own clothes and promised not to bother him about this crazy idea again until they had the false identity together. Dane walked home and fell asleep. In the morning, he felt so fuzzy about the details of what had happened that if he hadn't still been hairless from the neck down, he would have sworn it was a dream.

But it wasn't. Angie walked up to Dane three days later and handed him an envelope. Inside was a driver's license with the picture of Dane that Angie had taken while he was made up as a girl. There was also a birth certificate, a schedule of classes at Collins and even a transcript from "Susan's" days in high school. "Here you are, Susan. All the papers you said you'd need. Now be at practice today and we'll work on your moves." She tossed him a gym bag and walked away.

That was the first day of many practices for Dane. The girls knew they only had a few weeks to teach him everything he needed to know about their routines. They also had to work on his flexibility. So in addition to daily practices, Dane found himself working with one or two of the girls every morning, doing nothing but stretching to make him more flexible.

The results were obvious four weeks later. It was their last practice before taking two days off to relax before they would fly to Kentucky for the competition. They were doing the last routine. It was the one where after tossing and catching Michelle, Dane would then tumble in unison with Vickie, who had also just finished a toss and catch, before dropping into a split, as the other girls were in a pyramid. Dane had finally nailed the split and the routine was perfect. Breathing very hard from the exertion but in better shape than he'd ever been in his life, Dane stood up from the splits and smoothed down the skirt he was wearing.

The others were also clad in the distinctive white skirts and sweaters of the Collins Cheerleaders, with the large blue C in the center of. With his long hair pulled back and held by a scrunchy, and with just the bit of makeup he was wearing, Dane was indistinguishable from the real girls on the cheerleading squad and all told him that before leaving him alone in the practice room with Michelle. "Sit down sweetie" she said. Dane took a chair and sat down, remembering to smooth out the skirt before sitting and to keep his knees together. Things the girls had reminded him to do. Michelle sat down next to him.

"How are you doing in your classes?" "You know the answer to that. I'm a senior who is getting good grades. Why do you ask?" "Because the girls and I were talking. We think you should spend the next few days as Susan. Not going to her schedule of classes, but just walking around in the real world as a girl, so when you're spending four days in Kentucky as Susan, you'll have had some practice." "I don't know...oh well what the hell. What do you want me to do?" "Meet me at my room. I got my roommate to go stay in someone else's room until after the competition is over, so you'll stay with me, as Susan. Alright?" "Meet you there in fifteen?" "Yeah, I have to make a quick stop on the way."

Michelle opened the door to Dane's knock and ushered him inside. He was still wearing the cheerleader uniform. "Come on in, sweetie. I've got everything ready for you." Dane walked in and Michelle showed him the closet she and the other girls had fixed up for him. They'd purchased enough clothes for Dane to spend at least two weeks as Susan, rather than just the four days. "We figured you should have some choices while you are Susan. So we bought you enough clothes to choose from. Look around, see what you like."

Dane looked through the wardrobe and found no jeans or pants, except a few pairs of leggings. When he mentioned this to Michelle her answer was "we wanted you to be as feminine as possible and figured that skirts and dresses would reinforce that. You have to be totally comfortable in the role sweetie." "But day after day of skirts?" "Sweetie, real girls live in skirts all the time. You only have to do this for a few days before the competition and then during the competition. You'll survive."

Dane went over to the sofa and sat down. "I...oh what the hell, it's only for about a week or so anyway. I'll do it." "Great. Pick out an outfit and let's go out to dinner. You can even wear leggings." "No, you're right. I should wear a skirt. How about helping me pick something out?" "Okay, "Susan".

Michelle and Susan walked into the quiet little Italian place about 90 minutes later. Michelle had gone casual. A denim skirt with a ribbed t and her new platform sneakers. It was Susan who was dressed up a bit. The outfit was a two piece, skirt and matching top, in a radiant green. She wore nude hose and a pair of lowheeled pumps. The hostess greeted them. "Evening ladies. Table for the two of you, or are your dates going to join you soon?" "Just the two of us" Michelle said. "Right this way."

Susan was a bit hesitant. She couldn't get used to making so much noise when she walked. After they were seated, Michelle told her more of what was going to happen over the next few days. "From now on, you're Susan. From now until after we get back from the competition. All of the girls have agreed. We'll call you Susan, refer to you as she or her, and that's just how it goes. Okay?" Susan nodded. "After dinner, we're going to the mall across the street for a few more things as well."

The mall was open until nine and it was just past eight when Susan followed Michelle into the accessory store. "May I help you ladies?" the perky clerk asked. "Yes, my friend has finally got up the nerve to have her ears pierced." Susan cringed inwardly but knew she couldn't protest. Apparently Michelle would miss no detail in Susan's temporary but full-scale conversion into a member of the female gender.

The pain was mercifully brief. In moments Susan had tiny gold ball earrings in each of her ears. She also began to grasp the fact that she was out in public and the world at large appeared to have accepted that she was a woman. "There now Susan." The clerk had learned Susan's assumed name from reading the release form they'd made her sign before allowing her to have her ears pierced. "You can shop for all the pierced earrings you like and in just four short weeks wear any of them."

The next day, Michelle took Susan to the other side of town, to a small shop hidden in an older building. It had a sign on the glass window that was part of the front door that read "Annabelle's Foundations". "Why are we here?" "Because you need a couple of more items to perfect your Susan disguise, given that you're going to have to be a woman 24 hours a day for the entire competition. Annabelle's sells stuff that can help."

Annabelle herself was on the other side of the door and after greeting the girls took a critical look at Susan. "Not bad, girl, not bad at all. One or two tiny things to fix and no one will ever suspect." "But how did you know?" "Dearie, I'm a professional. I've been turning boys into girls since before you were born. Now step into that dressing room and strip. There's a robe in there to put on and I'll be in directly." Susan went to do as told. After she was in the dressing room with the door closed, Annabelle turned to Michelle. "How long does he have to be one of you girls for?" "Five or six straight days." "We'll glue the falsies on then, and I'll give you some of the solvent to remove them afterwards." Then Annabelle picked up a couple of boxes and went over to the dressing room door, where she knocked. "Ready for me, young 'lady'? "Yes" came Susan's muffled reply.

Susan watched the door open and Annabelle step in. "Now dearie I want you to relax. Your friend says you have to dress like a girl for five or six days. When does that start, now?" "No, not until we leave for the competition next weekend." "Well, unless you want to come back the day before you leave, what I'm going to do to you now will have to remain in place until you're ready to go back to being a boy. Is that alright?" "Will it hurt?" "Not at all." "Then let's just do it." "Alright, take off the robe and then we'll get started."

Annabelle held the legs of the panty-like garment open for Susan to step into. She pulled it up to mid-thigh and then began working with Susan's penis and testicles. She worked the testicles closer and closer to the body itself until Susan felt them almost being sucked back inside the body. The penis followed until just the tiniest tip was visible. Then she pulled the panty-like garment into place. The latex fitted tightly and formed what little excess flesh moved beneath it into the shape of a woman's "pooch" as the tip of Susan's penis was fitted into a sheath. "Now you'll have to sit to pee, but once I attach this merkin, you'll be all girl from the waist down."

Then Annabelle pulled some breast forms from another box. "These are false breasts. Once they are glued on, they don't come off without a special solvent. Michelle has a bottle of the solvent, so she'll have to be the one to decide when they will come off. They can be safely worn for as long as one month. Now hold still so I get them on right the first time." Annabelle smeared the gooey solvent on around Susan's nipples and then pressed the first breast form against Susan's chest. "Hold that with your hand for five minutes, just where it is." She repeated the process with the other form and fifteen minutes later Annabelle said "okay, you can let go."

Susan let go and felt the weight of her new breasts hanging from her chest. "Wow, they're heavy." "Did you think that breasts didn't have weight?" "No, it's just more than I'd expected is all." "Trust me girl, you'll get used to them. Now I'd say that after a trip to the salon for some nails, no one will be able to read you." "What, I'm a book now?" "You really need to learn the lingo, girl. Read means recognize you as a man. I mean, the Adam's apple is always going to be there unless you have it shaved down, but yours is small and so are your hands. So you should do alright. Good luck, sweetie."

Michelle was insistent that Susan get the same kind of nails as the other girls on the squad. "We all agreed we would get square-tipped, long, acrylic nails, polished in this same shade of pink. It's a hot shade, goes perfectly with our uniforms." "Alright, alright. You would think I was giving you a hard time about this Michelle." "I'm sorry Susan. I don't mean to be so bossy. I just want this to be perfect."

It was as close to perfect as it could be. Susan got on the plan in a woman's suit, navy blue, with matching pumps, that Michelle had insisted she wear. The hotel was filled with girls there for the competition, and no one thought Susan was anything but another one of the girls.

The squad cheered and did well, although they didn't win. It wasn't for lack of trying and Susan's efforts were not unnoticed. Even the commentator who was describing the finals for the viewers on that all sports network that broadcasts cheerleading competition in an attempt to hold on to their mostly male audience mentioned Susan's efforts.

It was on the last night at the competition that things went sour. The winners celebrated and the losers commiserated. Susan and Michelle were alone in their room and somehow, they got one another started and before long, in spite of the false breasts, the long hair and the rest, they were making love in the old-fashioned boy/girl style they'd always made love in.

It was a one in a million fluke. A drunk cheerleader for a big university was on the wrong floor. Her room was in the same position as Susan and Michelle's, and for whatever reason, her key opened their door. She stumbled in to find what appeared to be two girls making love. Except that wasn't a dildo between them. It was clearly an engorged penis.

Murphy's Law was in effect too. The law, which states "If Anything Can Go Wrong, it Will" has a corollary that came into effect that night in Susan and Michelle's room. The corollary says that the worst possible thing will go wrong at the worst possible moment. Susan exploded with orgasm, just as the other cheerleader in the room screamed.

Her scream startled Susan and Michelle. Susan was so startled that in the middle of her orgasm, performed coitus interruptus for the first time in her life. As a result, the interloping cheerleader saw Susan's organ spewing cum all over Michelle's body. This led to another scream after which the intruder fled out of the room.

Michelle's reaction was immediate and brilliant. She roused two of her teammates who were staying in the adjacent room and the four girls switched rooms. Sure enough, barely an hour later, the drunk cheerleader returned, with her advisor and a competition official. They insisted on examining Katie and Tina and once they'd been determined to be real females, the drunken cheerleader was told to go sleep it off.

In a perfect world that would have been the end of the problem. The world of cheerleading is filled with jealousy and envy. While the Collins College squad hadn't won, they had reached the finals. The big university squad had not. They complained. As a result, the competition organizers agreed to investigate. All this took place as the Collins squad flew home, oblivious to what lay in wait for their return home.

"Morning sweetie. Listen, I think you should just take today off and stay as Susan" was Michelle's greeting as Susan awoke, still in Michelle's room. She was wearing a nightie, her false breasts still jutting out and giving her the illusion of female curves. "You're right. I can go back to classes as Dane tomorrow." "You just relax and I'll see you this afternoon after class and we'll go out for a last meal as girlfriends.

The voice mail message sounded ominous as Michelle listened to it after getting the page. "Michelle, this is Theresa Simpkins in the office of the Dean of Activities. We need you to stop by here as soon as possible." Go to class or find out what this Theresa Simpkins wanted. Knowing she'd get an A in the Women's Studies course she was scheduled to attend that hour even if she didn't show up for a month, Michelle walked over to the Admin Building to see what was going on.

"Hi, I'm looking for Theresa Simpkins." The secretary looked up from playing Solitaire on her computer to see who had the nerve to interrupt her morning's key event. "Who are you?" "I'm Michelle Tucker. I got a voice mail message that a Theresa Simpkins wanted to see me." "Oh the cheerleader thing. Theresa's office is next door."

The nameplate on the door indicated that Theresa Simpkins was the Assistant Dean of Activities. Michelle knocked. "Come in" came through the door. Michelle opened the door and walked in to find Theresa sitting behind her desk and two other people seated on a nearby sofa. "You're Michelle, I recognize you from the football games. I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. Let me introduce you to Laurie Burns and Connie Scott. Connie is from the NCAA and Laurie is a representative of American Cheer." "I don't understand. Is there some problem?"

Connie stood. "There have been allegations that you may have used someone on your squad at last week's competition that isn't enrolled here. While this isn't something we'd normally investigate, American Cheer has asked us to investigate on their behalf. We will be visiting classes, interviewing your team members and other people. I just wanted you to know, so that nothing is going on behind your back." "I appreciate that Ms Scott, but we have nothing to hide. Now is there anything else you need from me?" "Not now, but I'm sure we'll want to talk to you some more."

Michelle tried to remain calm as she walked back to the dorm. Dane/Susan was sitting in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, watching television. "What's wrong, sweetie?" Susan asked. "We've got a big problem. I need to get the rest of the girls together." "I was just about to go see about getting myself put back to normal." "Uh, Susan, I think you need to stay that way until we have a meeting of the squad."

It took almost an hour and a couple of "911" pages, but the entire squad was squeezed into Michelle's room as she broke the bad news to them. "Once they find out that Susan is really Dane, we're going to lose our title." This made no one happy at all, including Susan/Dane. Tina jumped to her feet. "It isn't fair. Susan is a student here, it shouldn't matter." Becky Sue said "that's it. We'll just make them think Susan is just as much a student here as the rest of us. No one will suspect a thing if she shows for classes. That is if Dane will stay Susan for a little while longer." "But no one else in her classes will know her, she's never been to them before."

It was Susan herself who answered that. "Maybe, maybe not. If I'm there this afternoon and from this point on as Susan, no one will be surprised. They are all gigantic classes. The problem will be when they check the records of the instructors for work I've done so far this semester." Angie said "I can fix that. All the records are on-line. You'll have records for work done within the hour." "Then, if you are all agreed, I'll stay Susan until this investigation blows over and no one else questions our title."

That afternoon, Susan attended class as a female for the first time. Angie had used Susan's records as Dane to create "her" life, and so Susan was now a junior again, with the same courseload that Dane had had when he was a junior. This made things easier, since she'd had all these courses before.

A week passed and the cheerleaders heard nothing. They saw Connie and Laurie around campus, but didn't say much to them, nor where they themselves questioned by the investigators. Then came the request to attend a meeting in an unused classroom, involving all the cheerleaders and the two investigators.

Connie greeted them. "Ladies, thanks for coming. So far, there appears to be nothing untoward here and we have been unable to find anything at all that suggests any of you aren't currently enrolled students, or weren't currently enrolled students at the time of the competition. There is one more minor detail to nail down and then this investigation will be concluded."

While you couldn't hear any sound, a collective, inaudible sigh went up from the girls, relieved that things appeared to have gone their way and no one would take what they'd worked for and earned away from them. Then Laurie rose and spoke.

"In checking the records, we found that three of you don't have the results of the required physical exam on file for this year. So we're asking that those three girls get another physical exam done within the next week, to certify your fitness to be cheerleaders. It's a minor detail, but we need to be thorough to answer the charges so there are no more questions. The three who need physical exams are Tina, Susan and Becky Sue. So if you ladies will arrange to be seen by your doctor within the next week, we'll put this inquiry behind us."

There was another meeting that night in Michelle's room. "How can we get a physical for Susan?" "Does anyone know a doctor who will help us?" There was twenty minutes of anguish and then Tina said, "leave it to me. Susan, I want you to come stay with me and Katie will move in with Michelle for a few days." Michelle didn't like the sound of this. "What are you going to do?" "You have to trust me, Michelle. I won't harm Susan, I just can't tell you what I'm going to do to get her a physical that says she's Susan. Trust me."

It took them an hour to move clothes and things around and then Susan was alone with Tina. "What are you going to do?" "I won't lie to you Susan. What I want to do will involve a bit of pain for you, but it won't last long and it will guarantee that you will pass the physical check. Sit down and I will explain." After Susan was sitting down, Tina continued. "Like my mother, I am a practitioner of Wicca, what you might call witchcraft. My intent is to cast a spell on you and turn you into a woman, so that when we go to get physicals, the doctor will see a female body, no matter how detailed he or she chooses to be in their examination. Everything that is faked now, will be real when you are examined."

Susan was trying not to let her disbelief show. "You've got to be kidding." "No, and that's why I didn't say anything in front of the rest of the squad. I can prove what I'm saying and I will, but you have to promise to never tell a soul what has happened. Well, you can tell Michelle, but you have to swear her to secrecy first." "Alright, I'll play along. What do I have to do?" "I'll make you a cup of tea that will have a sedative in it, to ease the pain of your transition. Then when you awaken in the morning, you'll be fully female. There is a downside though."

Susan didn't like the sound of that. "What's this about a downside?" "The transition is difficult and takes a toll on your body. Because of that, it cannot be reversed for at least a week. And, if you should begin to menstruate during that time, you must remain female until the cycle of the period is completed. But since you don't believe any of that is possible, why worry about it?" "You're right, I'll just drink your tea, go to bed, and in the morning, we'll try to think of another answer, when I'm still me." "Yes, let's do that, but just to be safe, let's take off your false breasts, just so you will be certain that you're still male in the morning."

The tea tasted strange, but not in a bad way. It had a soothing sensation as Susan drank it down. It actually felt good not to have cleavage staring at her everytime she looked down. She managed to remove her makeup with cold cream before the waves of slumber washed over her and she drifted off to a gentle sleep.

Tina sat quietly in the chair waiting for Susan to awaken. She didn't want to rob her of any of the wonder of her awakening by disturbing her sleep before she was ready to awake. Tina watched as Susan's eyelids fluttered. Unconsciously, Susan brushed hair from her face. Suddenly, it registered. She hadn't had hair that long when she'd gone to bed. Her eyes flew open instantly and she very nearly screamed.

A handful of new sensations flooded her all at once. The weight of real breasts on her chest. The absence of a weight at her crotch, the bulge of manhood gone. Replaced by a flatness along with the ever-so slightly distended "pooch" that women carry. She knew an instant after her body registered all the new sensations. Tina's magic had worked. Susan was now a real woman.

"How complete is this change, Tina?" "Well Susan, even your OB/Gyn won't be able to tell a thing. And you can see that for yourself tomorrow, when she examines you to provide that physical exam that the investigators want to see. Today is to get you used to this change. Just go to class, and spend some time being a girl. Tonight, we'll share dinner with Michelle, break the news to her gently over what has happened, and then tomorrow get this physical nonsense out of the way."

After a very interesting day, spent attending classes as Susan, and constantly marveling at how much her life was different now that she was a woman, rather than pretending to be one, Susan met up with Tina. "Now here's what we'll do. I'll tell Michelle what's happened. Let me control the dialogue. If she asks, just answer her questions honestly. If worse comes to worse, you two can always go to the ladies room and you can show her your new 'equipment'." "She's in for a big surprise."

Tina had chosen a quiet diner, away from campus. She also chose Susan's clothes. Clothes designed to make it clear that there was a woman there, and not a cross-dressed man. Not that Susan had ever looked like a man in drag before, but her new figure was softer, curvier, with a narrow waist, flat tummy and leaner legs. The dress that Tina chose was snug in the bodice and waist, with the skirt falling just below mid-thigh. Susan walked easily in the four inch heels as they went from Tina's car to the front door of the diner.

Michelle was waiting in the foyer. "Tina, Susan, so good to see you." Hugs were exchanged all around and then the three women were seated at a table in the back. Tina waited for the waiter to come, take their order and return with the appetizers before breaking the news to Michelle. "Now that we're alone, let me tell you a few things, Michelle. But first you must swear that you will never tell another soul what you're about to hear. No one. Do you swear?" "Of course, you have my word." "What I'm about to tell you will seem wild and unbelievable. But it is true. I'm a witch and the way that I made sure that Susan will pass her physical exam tomorrow was to turn her into a real woman."

Michelle had to hold both hands over her mouth to stifle her laughter. "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard." "Uh, Michelle, she's telling the truth. I didn't believe she could do it either, but she did." "Oh and I suppose you're a real woman now, right?" Susan nodded. "Yes, and I have been since I got up this morning." "This I have to see. Let's go powder our noses, Susan. Do you want to come with us, Tina?" "No, I'll wait here."

So nervous was Susan at displaying her new body to Michelle that she actually needed to pee when she got into the ladies room. She pulled down her hose and skirt and sat in a stall peeing, while Michelle waited, arms folded across her chest. "Is there anyone else in the ladies room but us, Michelle?" "No, the coast is clear. Let me lock the door." "Alright." As soon as the door was locked, Susan stepped from the stall, carrying her skirt and blouse in one hand and her pantyhose in the other. She was naked and clearly as female as Michelle. "My God, you're a woman." "Yes, and just like I said. Why didn't you believe me?" "Because it wasn't a believable story. But I believe you now. How long will you be like this?" "Tina says she can't change me back for at least a week, my body will need rest." "We'll just see about that. Come on!"

Michelle took Susan by the hand and led her back to the table where Tina sat waiting. "What do you mean you can't change her back for a week?" "Simple. I can't do it. Well I could, but I won't risk it. Her body needs time to recover from the energy that was drained out when she was transformed. It could harm her to try to change her back so soon." "Whatever gave you the right to take this kind of risk with Dane's body?" "The same right that allowed you to dress him up like a girl so we could win the title. We all wanted it, and badly enough that he had to pay the price. Well, somehow the price got more expensive."

The tension was increasing and in a way Susan was uncomfortable with. She took each of the other women at the table by the arm and squeezed. "Stop fighting, one of you is my lover, you're both my friends." Tina and Michelle softened. "I'm sorry Michelle, I didn't mean to get upset." "Me neither. I was just feeling so much guilt over making Dane do this." She turned to Susan. "Honey, will you forgive me?" "Yes. I've had so much fun being one of the girls and since it'll be over in another week or two, why fuss so much? It isn't that big a deal. Besides, now that you know, I can move back in with you." Susan winked at Michelle who laughed.

The following morning, Susan was awakened by the gentle shaking of Michelle. "Hi sweetie. Wanna go for a walk before we shower and dress to go to the doctor?" Susan stretched and yawned. Tina grinned and marveled again at how complete the change in Susan was. She stretched and yawned like any other girl. "Are we all going?" "No, Tina will stay here. I'm going to take you walking and I will take you to the doctor. You're my responsibility and nothing will change that. Now I'll be back in ten minutes to pick you up."

Michelle left and Susan got out of bed. She walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face. Quickly she donned a sportsbra, spandex shorts, a t-shirt and sweatshirt, socks and running shoes. She grabbed a scrunchie and tied her hair back into a ponytail. "I swear Susan, even knowing that I'm the one who changed you into a woman, watching you do that is enough to convince me you were born female." "It all feels so natural." "That's the influence of the magic. It will strengthen too, as time passes, but changing you back in a week won't be a problem."

"So why did you ask to go on this walk Michelle" her lover asked as the two women circled the campus track. "I wanted to make sure that you were alright and didn't feel sure you would answer truthfully in front of Tina." "Why would you think that?" "Because honey, it isn't natural for a guy to be turned into a woman with magic." "Is it natural for him to be made to dress as one for weeks on end to win a cheerleading contest either?"

Michelle looked like she'd been slapped across the face. "But you never complained." "No, I didn't. I was doing something to support my lover and best friend, and other friends of mine. I was working towards a goal, part of a team effort." "So why do you bring it up?"

Susan stopped walking. "Because this is part of the same effort, Michelle" she said, gesturing down at her curvy, feminine body. "If Tina hadn't thought of this, if she couldn't have done this, we'd be giving up that title and dammit, I worked just as hard as anyone else for it. It's mine too." "Alright Susan, alright, calm down. What's done is done now. Let's just make the best of it until she can change you back. Then I want my Dane back, and no more skirts for you. Even if you do look delicious as a girl."

The waiting room of the doctor's office was quiet that morning as Tina and Susan entered. The receptionist looked up as they entered. "Morning ladies. Which one of you has the appointment?" "We both do. I'm Tina and this is Michelle." "Oh yes, the physical exams for athletic clearance. Tina, you're a regular patient, so yours will only take a few minutes, but Susan hasn't been seen here before. Sweetie, when was your last pelvic and pap smear?"

Susan looked panic-stricken for a moment. But the receptionist calmed her. "No big deal. We weren't sure, so you're scheduled for the whole thing this morning with Doctor Tracy. We'll get it all out of the way. Just fill out this form." The receptionist handed Susan a clipboard with papers on it and the two women went to sit in the waiting room.

The first questions were name and address and Susan had no trouble with them. Tina was called in for her check as Susan finished writing her email and dorm addresses. She put down her address as being the dorm where she'd been sharing a room with Michelle. No reason to cause any questions by giving Dane's address. Then she came to the gender block. This was the first time, in all the time she'd been dressing as Susan that anyone had asked her to fill out anything where she had to indicate her gender. For a moment before marking the box next to F, she felt a bit o trepidation, as though she was crossing some kind of invisible line, by making that claim in writing. But she marked it and went on.

"Here are the completed forms." "Thanks, Susan. Just have a seat and the doctor will be with you very shortly." Susan grabbed a copy of Mademoiselle from the rack and began thumbing through it absently, legs crossed at the knee just like a girl. She'd followed Tina's advice that morning and hadn't worn hose. Her red-painted toes were visible as she was wearing simple leather sandals. The dress was a soft print, chosen by Tina so Susan could take it off easily to slip on the hospital gown for the exam.

"So how did you like your first pelvic exam" Michelle asked Susan later that day. "It felt weird. Not like I was being punished, but I felt invaded when she put that big plastic thing into me." "It's called a speculum and it isn't all that big." "Sure felt big." "Well, you'll end up with a better perspective on what it's like to be a woman from all this." "I guess. So now what happens. I've got the results of a physical showing I'm a normal female. What else will they want?" "I don't know. I'm meeting with Connie and Laurie after class today and I'll find out then."

Susan had a wonderful day. She felt relaxed and comfortable as a woman and her classes were a breeze. Her only moment of trepidation was overhearing a discussion at lunch. Two people at the table next to hers were discussing how their friend Dane had suddenly disappeared and that they were starting to worry about him. She recalled that conversation as she was walking home from her last class.

The two men were talking. "One night he's having a beer and the next morning, poof, gone. Just a note saying family troubles." "Yeah, but the note said he'd be back in a few weeks and he's so far ahead in his classes, he won't have any trouble graduating." "I know, but I'm telling you it's weird. People don't just disappear."

"In a few days, I'll reappear and no one will be the wiser. How strange, Susan will disappear and so few people knew she existed, that no one will miss her. Well I will." Susan went and sat in Michelle's room in the dorm, doing her homework, waiting for news on the meeting with the inspectors.

The door flew open and Michelle stormed in. "This is ridiculous and I almost told them to shove it." "Calm down. What happened?" "They want us to do our competition routines again, checking off who actually does them against our schedules and identification, so they can be absolutely sure we aren't pulling a fast one." "So what's the big deal? We did it in competition. We did it in practice for all those weeks. Why not do it again?" "You're right. I'll arrange it for tomorrow afternoon."

The music blared from the speakers of the boom box that Michelle had brought over from her room in the dorm. The audience was just three people. Theresa Simpkins, Connie Scott and Laurie Burns. The girls had decided to wear their uniforms. It was to be Susan's swan song as a cheerleader. In a way, she felt sad, knowing this would be the last time she would wear the distinctive sweater and pleated skirt. But she put her sadness aside as she moved into position for the start of the routine.

For awhile everything went smoothly. Then it happened. Becky Sue was tossing Tina for a toss and basket catch, but her hands slipped apart for some reason as Tina came down, and Tina landed on her head. Hard. The music kept blaring as the other girls rushed to Tina's aid. They couldn't revive her and an ambulance was called.

A distraught Susan was crying as she sat in a chair at one side of the room. Michelle had ridden in the ambulance with Tina. Laurie Burns came over to Susan. "I'm sure she'll be alright. I've got some good news, although the timing could be better I'm sure." "What good news?" "Connie and I are leaving, we're closing the investigation. Your program is cleared of any allegations against it." "Well that is good news." Laurie stood and so did Susan. They shook hands. "Good luck Susan. All the best and maybe I'll be seeing you in the pages of American Cheer."

The news from the hospital wasn't good. Tina was in a coma. Her mother was flying in that night. Michelle phoned Susan in the room. "Susan, it's Michelle." "How's Tina?" "Holding on, but still unconscious. Can you do me a favor?" "What's that?" "Take my car and go pick up Tina's mother at the airport?" "Sure. What time?" "Her flight lands in an hour."

A woman who looked almost exactly like an older version of Tina was the first one through the door into the terminal. She spotted Susan immediately. "You must be Susan." "Yes, I am. How did you know?" "Child, I can see the effects of my daughter's magic in the flush of femininity you display. Tell me, are you adjusting well?" "Yes, for now." "We'll get my bag and go to the hospital, but I want to talk to you later."

The doctors didn't have much to say. There was a large area of swelling in Tina's head and they were going to ship her to a bigger hospital for a specialist to do surgery to relieve the pressure on her brain. An air ambulance would take her away the next morning. "We got you a hotel room, Missus Berger." "Nonsense. I'll stay with Susan tonight." "Sure, Missus Berger."

The rest of the squad stayed in Michelle and Susan's room a long time but finally they drifted off to their own rooms in their own dorms. Michelle and Susan had each offered their bed to Mrs. Berger but she'd declined. "I'll be fine on the sofa, dears. Now I need to speak to you both. Until Tina recovers, I'm afraid Susan must remain as she is. I cannot undo Tina's magic, nor can anyone else. Only she can reverse this particular spell." "But that means..." Mrs. Berger interrupted Susan "that you are a woman until then. That is correct. You will survive. Half of the world is female after all, and it is the better half as well. You will survive being one of us a bit longer than planned." "But my male self is set to graduate soon." "I'm sorry dear, there is nothing else I can do."

The phone call came two weeks later. Susan answered it while in the middle of studying for her final exams. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Susan?" "Yes it is, who is calling?" "Susan, this is Tina's mother. I have good news. My daughter is awake again." "That's wonderful. I'm so happy." "But my child, there is bad news as well. While her brain is undamaged, according to the doctors, she has very serious amnesia. She cannot remember her own name, her education, anything. The doctors say it may be months, or even years before she regains anything and that she may never regain some of her memories." "What will happen to me, Missus Berger? I don't want to sound selfish, and I'm glad she's going to be alright, but..." "I know child, you are female and you weren't meant to be. But perhaps this is fate, telling you that you were meant to be one of us. Keep in touch and I will keep you posted on Tina's progress."

Susan hung up the phone just as Michelle opened the door and walked in. Susan ran over and hugged Michelle just as she broke into tears. Tears over her manhood, lost indefinitely now. She told Michelle the entire story. Michelle did her best to comfort her friend and lover, but she was inconsolable that night.

The next night Michelle picked up Chinese food and she and Susan ate in their room, with the door locked, a do-not-disturb sign on it, and the phone unplugged. "Susan, stop studying for a minute and let's eat and then talk." "I have to pass these finals, I may be stuck in this life for good." "I know, and I want you to know that it would be alright." "Oh it would? You graduate soon. Susan is a junior. All of a sudden, I'm facing an extra year of school" "I know and I know that's a horrible thought. But it won't be so bad. I have a job offer here as well as the one we'd talked about my taking and I'll take it. We will get an apartment and wait for Tina to recover."

Susan asked the question she'd fretted over since the moment she'd learned of the extent of Tina's injuries. "And if she doesn't recover enough to reverse the spell?" "Then we'll be lesbians I guess. I'm not losing you, Susan, whether you're Susan or Dane." "Lesbians? Yeah, sure. How are we supposed to make love when I don't have the right tools anymore." Susan was surprised to see the wicked grin that crossed Michelle's face. Michelle reached into the bag she'd set on the floor next to her bed and pulled out a double-headed dildo. "Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something."


Michelle sat in the crowd at the graduation ceremony. Mrs. Berger sat next to her. "How is Tina's recovery really going? I couldn't ask at dinner last night, it would have just upset Susan." "I know it would and you were smart to wait. Tina's progress is good, but she doesn't seem to have the ability to use magic any longer. But does it matter?"

Michelle thought for a moment. Just then the parade of graduates onto the stage began. She looked down and saw her partner, friend and lover, Susan leading the way. Beneath the cap and gown, Michelle knew Susan had on a little black dress, with black nylons and four inch heels that didn't stop her from gliding across the stage. She was going to give a wonderful valedictory speech and had several firm job offers, as well as acceptance to graduate school. In short, her future was assured.

"No, Mrs. Berger, it doesn't matter. Susan will be just fine." 

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